Halloween Decor Ideas

Spooky season is approaching, and with the imminent arrival of All Hallows Eve, it makes sense to get into the spirit (pun intended)! We’ve curated a list of some ways to decorate your home that will make even the biggest Halloween hater jealous. Before you know it, your garden will be the scariest on your street – people won’t be able to stop talking about it!

Solar Lights

We know we always bang on about how good our solar lights are, but they really are so versatile. These mushroom lights are the perfect addition to your garden and will help to add a bit of whimsy once the season is over, too! Place them in your flower beds, or along any pathways, to make it look like a small army of fairies have taken over this October!



The most standard of Halloween fare, the humble pumpkin is always a welcome addition to a spooky garden. The good thing about pumpkins is that you can channel all your creative energy into making it look as creepy or cute as possible – whatever takes your fancy, with enough time and patience, can come to life on a pumpkin. Use paint, carve it, find some stencils you can cut out online – just have fun with it!


Cobwebs and spiders

A lot of people find spiders and cobwebs to be scary at any time of the year, so why not use that to your advantage this Halloween? You can buy spiderwebs from most supermarkets or online, or if you’re feeling crafty, try and make your own from cotton wool! You can make your spiders out of anything you have lying around the house – old card, tights, pipe cleaners – you name it!


Halloween Wreath

Who says that wreaths have to be Christmassy? Channel all that spooky energy into making some creepy wreaths for your doorways. Use anything you have to hand and get creative! They can be reused every year, making them very versatile and better for the environment than some of the other plastic décor you can buy in the shops!